Privacy Policy


This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, hereinafter the "POLICY DE PRIVACY" orjust "POLICY", applies generally to the collection and processing of personal data provided by customers, prospects customers, users and users - henceforth only "DATA SUBJECT", of the services provided, both offline and online, by the Insurance Intermediary LIBELINHA D 'ÉXITO MED DE SEGUROS LDA.registered with the Insurance Supervisory Authority e Funds from Pensions (ASF) under no. 417456759NIF 514281219, headquartered in Estrada da Penha 150c 8005-138 Farohereinafter briefly referred to as the "SUBMITTER", namely those collected through forms, websites, simulators, proposals, documents or other means (hereinafter referred to as the "DOCUMENTS"), in paper or electronic format, intended to enable contact with the SUBMITTER, also applying to the exercise of rights by the DATA SUBJECT, in relation to the same, in terms from legislation applicable,namely, but not if running out at, o Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR). This POLICY is of a general and abstract nature and the information provided herein may be supplemented or waived in whole or in part byother policies, notices or information from character morespecific which possibly have been or will be made available by the MEDIATOR in the context of certain types of processing of personal data.


Article 1.º

Responsible from treatmentfrom data personal

The above-identified INTERMEDIATOR, whose activity is regulated by Decree-Law no.144/2006, of 31 July, and corresponding regulations published by the ASF and, depending on the respective category of insurance intermediary, under the terms of the contracts, protocols, agreements or conventions established with the "INSURANCE COMPANIES" - companies that have received authorisation to carry on insurance business from the competent authority of one of the Member States of the European Union - hereinafter referred to as the "INSURANCE COMPANIES", may have the most varied forms and modes of relationship, business models and operations in relation to INSURANCE COMPANIES, with reflection on purposes e means fromtreatment from personal details from TITLE FROM DATA,being able to, for this reason, act, as far as data protection legislation is concerned, as "responsible processing", "processor" or as "joint controller" of the personal data, hereinafter only "PERSONAL DATA", provided by the respective DATA SUBJECT when filling out the DOCUMENTS, regardless of their support, directly or byintermediate from others, or which have was generated by the MEDIATOR, either in the context from contacts previous, or oncelebration, execution, renovation or cessation, by itsintermediate, of the insurance contract or operation or that have arisen from the same and which concern the DATA SUBJECT, whether in his/her capacity of policyholder, insured, beneficiary or his/her representative and, furthermore, to claimants or third parties and their representatives. The provision, to the MEDIATOR, of the PERSONAL DATA collected in the context of fromdémarches pre-contractual or in the hiring process, tobeyond from cases at which corresponds to a information necessaryto compliance from legal and contractual obligations of the ADVERTISER, constitutes a necessary requirement for the pre-contractual procedures, as well as for the conclusion of the insurance contract and its execution through the ADVERTISER, and therefore, in the event that the same are not provided to the ADVERTISER, the contract may not be accepted by the INSURANCE COMPANIES, with the intervention of the ADVERTISER. The PERSONAL DATA will be processed by the ADVERTISER, depending on the case, either as a "controller", "processor" or as a "joint controller", for the purposes listed in article 4.º, infra,at strict compliance with the provisions of the legislation in force on the protection of personal data.


Article 2.º

Contact from protection from data

O contact to effects from issues related with a protectionfrom DATA PERSONAL can be effected, by written, to the following addresses:

 Mail postal:8005-138

Personal Data Protection Officer:ROAD FROMPENHA 150C 8005-138 FARO

Mail eletró


Article 3.º

Treatment fromdata personal

The DATA PERSONAL provided on link established with oMEDIATOR are treaties at compliance with the precepts legally applicable, namely:

 treaties from form lawful, loyal e transparent;
 collected to purposes determined, explicit elegitimate e not will be treaties later from anin a manner incompatible with those purposes;
 adequate, relevant e limited to which é necessaryrelatively at purposes to the which are treaties;






 accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, with appropriate measures being taken to ensure that they areerased or rectified the data inaccurate or incomplete,having at account the purposes to which were collected or for which they are further processed;
 stored in a way that allows their identificationholders only during o period strictly necessaryand within the limits of what is legally permissible for the purposes of collection or further processing;



Article 4.º

Purposes, grounds fromtreatment e deadlinesfrom conservation fromdata personal

The DATA PERSONAL are processed for the following purposes based, in each case, on the grounds indicated in the table below and are kept for the time strictly necessarynecessary à pursuit from same purposes, as per thedeadlines (or criteria used to define them) indicated in the same table:



Foundation from Lawfulness

Deadline from Conservation

Treatment required for execution and management of the insurance and mediation contract from insurance, or for pre-contractual steps, with the intervention of the Mediator.

Presentation, proposition, conclusion and execution of the insurance contract, diligence pre-contractual e support your management, at special at case of a claim, with the intervention of the Mediator. Legitimate interest of the controlleror bythird parties on identification,evaluationfrom risks, information,

clarificationesolutions and product advice.

Consent of the DATA SUBJECT. Compliance from legal obligations and


Until the end of the legal limitation period for all obligations arising from the insurance contract and the insurance with the same related.

Prospecting e action commercial

Consent from TITLE THE DATA. Interests legitimate developmental e growth

activity from responsible by treatment or by

third parties.

By to term from an year on o end of the contractual and legal relationship.

Compliance with legal obligations, namely together with from supervisory, tax, fiscal and judicial authorities, among others.

Fulfilment of obligations legal e legal.

Legitimate interests of controlling the activity of the controller or a third party.

To statement, exercise or defence of rights in legal proceedings.

Legal deadline applicable in each moment for each obligation legal and legal requirements to be met.

Until the expiry of the deadline from prescription or forfeiture for the exercise of rights.




Recording from calls telephone

In the telephone contacts established between o TITLE FROMDATA e o MEDIATOR, on scope from its activity, thismay proceed, as the case may be, to record the calls, subject to prior information to the DATA SUBJECT and with his/her consent, in order to manage the pre-contractual and contractual relationship, through the MEDIATOR, e compliance fromlegal obligations, namely as a means of proof of information or instructions transmitted from e, well like this,to improvement of the services offered or contracted and also to control their quality. The call recordings will be kept for the periods indicated in the deliberations of the National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) which define the principles applicable to the treatment of call recording data, namely, Deliberation no. 1039/2017.




Article 6.º

Data concerning à health

In the case of some covers of risks to be transferred from the sphere of the DATA SUBJECT (namely, in insurances ofhealth, personal accident insurance or others), which fall within the category of special and sensitive data, the presentation, proposition, conclusion or performance of the insurance contract, with the intervention, legal and/or contractual, from MEDIATOR,involves or may involve o treatment from data concerning àhealth from TITLE FROM DATA, or on scope from linkpre-contractual, for identification, analysis of the proposed risk efixing from conditions contractual, or on scope from management fromlink use of the cover, claims management, as well as in contract renewal and modification processes. The MEDIATOR processes the data in question, either as "responsible from treatment","subcontractor" or as "joint controller", for the purposes indicated above, subject to the consent of the TITLE FROM DATA or from his representative, without prejudice to cases where the processing is based on another ground of lawfulness (such as forthe fulfilment of obligations and the exercise of specific rights of the MEDIATOR, the INSURERS, third parties orfrom in matters of employment law, social security and social protection to the extent that such processing is permitted by European Union or Member State law or by a collective agreement providing adequate safeguards for the fundamental rights and interests of the DATA SUBJECT. In these cases, the acceptance by the INSURERS, with the intervention of the INTERMEDIATOR, of the insurance contract in question depends on the possibility to process the health data of the DATA SUBJECT, without which it is impossible to carry out the analysis of the proposed risk, conclude the insurance contract, transfer the risk, place and accept the desired coverage or even maintain the contract in force with the INSURERS.


Article 7 Communication of data

The PERSONAL DATA may be communicated, under commitment of confidentiality, to other companies that are in a control relationship (Group), already established or a constitute, which o MEDIATOR integrates or come to aintegrate, whose identification and contact details may be requested at any time to Contact from Protection from DataPersonal, as noted on article 2º, supra, being able to betreaties by other entities in respect of which the MEDIATOR acts, if any, as "processor" or "joint controller", as to whom o MEDIATOR hassubcontractor o their processing e as well as for their co-mediators insurance or Persons Directly Involved in the Mediation Activity from Insurance (PDEAMS). The DATAPERSONAL will be able to, still, be treaties by otherINSURANCE COMPANIES or co-mediators as part of the settlement of claims.

For the purposes of the purposes described and in compliance with legal obligations, PERSONAL DATA may be transmitted atto judicial, administrative, supervisory or regulatory authorities, and also to entities that frame or conduct,licitly, compilation actions from data, shares from preventione fight à fraud, studies from market or studies statistical or technical-actuarial.


Article 8.º

Collection from data together with from other sources

THE MEDIATOR will be able to proceed à collection from informationconcerning to TITLE FROM DATA which if considerrelevant to the evaluation of the risk to be insured and the establishment, by the INSURANCE COMPANIES, with the intervention of the MEDIATOR, of the contractual conditions of the insurance, from sources accessible to the public, organisations public, associations from sector, platformscomputer existing or specialised companies, to complement or confirm the information provided by the DATA SUBJECT, within the scope of the management of the pre-contractual and contractual insurance relationship, through the MEDIATOR, including the exercise of the activity from mediation frominsurance on terms from legislation specifically applicable, onboard from compliance from duties information, clarification, transmission, advice, assistance and registration required under the aforementioned legislation.


Article 9.º

Rights from holder from data

O holder from DATA PERSONAL has right a request toMEDIATOR, e by its intermediate, at INSURERS, viawritten request addressed to the Personal Data Protection contact:

 O access, on terms e conditions legally provided for, toDATA PERSONAL which to say respect e which are subject to treatment;
 A correction or update from DATA PERSONAL inaccurate oroutdated which to respect;
 O treatment from DATA PERSONAL at lack when thoseif show incomplete;
 O erasure, on cases specifically provided for on law, fromDATA PERSONAL which to say respect;







 A limitation, verified the conditions foreseen on law, fromtreatment from DATA PERSONAL on which to

say respect. Via request written, directed to contactfrom Protection from Data Personal, o TITLE OF THE DATA is also entitled to:

 Remove o consent provided, when o treatment fromdata if founding, only, at consent;
 Oppose to treatment by grounds related with aits situation particular, when o treatment from datait is based on the legitimate interest of the "controller" or a third party



 To receive from the "controller", "processor" or "joint controller", in machine-readable digital form, the personal data concerning you which have been provided by you and processed by automated means on a justified basis:
a) at consent provided from TITLE FROM DATAor,
b) at contract celebrated,

being able to request, by written, a respective transmissiondirectly to another responsible, always which such ifshow it is technically possible.


The DATA owner PERSONAL can, still, request, tocontact from Protection from Data Personal, information moreYou may also submit complaints to the National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) about the way in which your PERSONAL DATA is processed, without prejudice to your right to do so.



Article10.º Data security personal

The MEDIATOR shall adopt appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the PERSONAL DATA against accidental or illicit loss, destruction or damage, as well as to ensure that the data provided is protected against access or use by part from third parties notallowed. O MEDIATOR guarantees a privacy e securityon transmission of its customers' data and that of visitors to its website and other IT platforms, should it have such data.


Article11.º Automated decisions

On scope from processes from subscription e renovation fromcontracts or operations from insurance the INSURANCE COMPANIES mayuse automated decision-making solutions that are necessary for the conclusion and execution of the respective contract or operation from insurance, withintervention from MEDIATOR, with resource à information,concerning to borrower of the insured or insured, obtained in the framework of the management of the contractual or pre-contractual relationship of which will be able to run socket decisions regarding contractual conditions applicable to subscription or renewal. The holder of the PERSONAL DATA may also, request, from the Personal Data Protection contact, more detailed information on the logic behind the processes concerned, in boardfrom subscription e renovation from contracts, by intermediate fromMEDIATOR, namely, on information taken at account,to a socket from decisions only automated e omode as a same integrates o decision making process of the INSURANCE COMPANIES. In all cases where the INSURED proceed à socket from decisions based exclusively on automated processing of data, the respective processes shall, at least, incorporate mechanisms allowing the data subject the possibility

(i) manifest o its point from view;
(ii) contest a decision; e
(iii) request and obtain from the INSURERS, directly or byintermediate from MEDIATOR, intervention human ondecision making review process.


Article12.º Cookies

The MEDIATOR may use cookies on its website, if available, to improve the user experience and allow certain operations to be carried out securely.


Article 13.º

Amendments à policy from privacy

This PRIVACY POLICY may be amended from time to time by publication on the website of the INTERMEDIATOR, if such website is available, or by disclosure by any means on which a written record is kept, including e-mail or post, without the need for prior express consent of the DATA SUBJECT.

Any changes from character significant will be communicatedwith o degree from advertising correspondent à its relevance, either by highlighting it in the online publication, or, if the relevance justifies it, by individual communication to the DATA HOLDERS.

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